Thursday, April 24, 2008

Chicken Soup for Me

Well, it's no Pioneer Woman photo, but it'll have to do. Jack and I have been sick, so last night I decided to make some Chicken Noodle Soup. He can't eat any, but the homemade noodles always make me feel better. Here's my recipe:

Tamara's Chicken Noodle Soup

1 T oil
1 T butter
1 medium onion, diced
3-4 carrots, diced
4-5 celery stalks, diced
1 chicken breast, cut into small pieces
12 cups water
1/4 c chicken buillon
1 T Bouquet Garni
salt & pepper to taste
homemade noodles

In a stock pot melt butter and heat oil over medium heat. Saute onion, carrots and celery until soft. Remove to seperate bowl. Brown chicken. Add vegetables back in. Add water and buillon. Bring to a boil, add seasoning, salt and noodles. Cook until noodles are done.

I highly recommed trying this's one of my favorites. And if you're feeling lazy you can stop by for some noodles. I made extra.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Today I went to visit my friend who moved to a big new house, and on my way home this happened. I passed a bicycle and somehow my car window got hit with a rock. Would someone like to explain to me how that's possible? Funny thing is, I'm not the only one who's had a window shattered while visiting this friend. Curious...very curious.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

So Long, Farewell...

Saturday we sold my 1988 Nissan Maxima. Despite the fact that the power steering didn't work, went through antifreeze like crazy, and had a guilt-free speeding feature (aka the speedometer didn't work), it's been a good little car. A small part of me misses seeing it in my driveway. A very small part. The rest of me is enjoying my new car, complete with power steering.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Ho Hum

This week has been one of those weeks. I feel completely inadequate in all respects. But at least my house is clean. Sometimes it's worth staying up until 2 am to have it clean. I can sacrifice sleep for cleanliness, but not exercise. Interesting. Wonder what that says about me.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mark the Calendar

My husband deposited some checks today...and I didn't even have to ask him to do it. Don't get me wrong, my husband is great, and is usually great about helping out with all those everyday mundane tasks. However, I have to ask him to do things. He earns extra brownie points for this. Lots and lots of brownie points.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Midnight Run

Lucky for me, Ross made it to Lowe's. He also called his brother, who came over at 11:00 pm to help him finish the plumbing project. However, they didn't finish until 2 am. About 12:30 am I had waited as long as I possibly could for a toilet, so I headed on over to the local Wal-mart. When I got to the bathroom there was a sign up that said "Closed for Cleaning." At this point several things were running through my mind, like "You've got to be freakin' kidding me!"...luckily the sign also mentioned that there were additional restrooms in the back of the store. Good thing. Otherwise I might have had to duke it out with the cleaning lady. I figured since I was already there I might as well pick up a few essentials. Like mint chocolate chip ice cream. Mmmm.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Water anyone?

So this is what I had to eat today...cornflakes, brownies, and rootbeer. I also fit in some chips and salsa, but they weren't handy for the picture. So nutritious. My excuse is that my husband is trying to redo some piping in our basement, hence we have no water. It's hard to cook when there's no water. (Don't worry, the brownies only required a half cup of agua). It's currently 10:13, and water. He left for Lowe's at 9:51 for something he needed to finish the job. They close at 10:00. I really hope he made it. A working toilet would be nice in the middle of the night.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Today was the 4 month appointment for my little guy. While I like the idea of him being protected from serious diseases, I'm not a big fan of the screaming during the shot process...and the crying / moaning that will inevitably result. Luckily we're stocked up on Infant Tylenol for him, and brownie mixes for me.

Basically, the doctor said he's tall, skinny, and has a big head. Oh, and he looks like he's 6 months old. I just think he's cute.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Well, I've finally entered the blogging world. I'm very nervous about writing my first post. Who will read it? What will they think? What should I write?

I guess I'll start at the beginning. As Julie Andrews once said, it's a very good place to start. So, for starters, I'll explain the name of my blog. See, I've been contemplating blogging for quite some time now, as my friend Katie has been telling me I need to start one. And to be honest, the thought of having my very own space on the worldwide web is rather exciting and intriguing. I wanted a cool name for my blog, but everything seemed to be taken. Then today I was thinking back to my mission. See, a mission is hard...and a lot of the time it just really sucks. But nobody really tells you just have to discover it on your own. But I also wouldn't change the fact that I went because of those "random and rare" great experiences. It's kind of like life. A lot of days are ho-hum, sometimes it sucks...but you wouldn't change it. Because those "random and rare" experiences are just so worth it. (And lucky for me, that blog name happened to be open. Otherwise you'd be reading a different post at the moment, or perhaps no post at all...yet.)

So, hopefully this will be a place where I can share a few of those experiences with you, my arbitrary readers. And a place where I can record those experiences for my own personal benefit. Maybe I'll discover that those great experiences aren't so rare after all.

Virtual Charlie