Thursday, April 10, 2008


Today was the 4 month appointment for my little guy. While I like the idea of him being protected from serious diseases, I'm not a big fan of the screaming during the shot process...and the crying / moaning that will inevitably result. Luckily we're stocked up on Infant Tylenol for him, and brownie mixes for me.

Basically, the doctor said he's tall, skinny, and has a big head. Oh, and he looks like he's 6 months old. I just think he's cute.


katie said...

He better come and visit soon. I love his serious look.

Annie said...

Big head=big brain=super smart! He is adorable!!!

Anonymous said...

He is sooooo cute, you two should have a whole house full!!! I am really missing my babies right now!

Tamra said...

Oh, he is so cute! He has gotten so big. If it makes you feel any better, the shot thing gets better. By the time you hit kids 3 or heaven forbid 4, when the doctor recommend antibiotics, you quickly ask, does that come in a one time dose shot form.

Virtual Charlie