Saturday, April 12, 2008

Water anyone?

So this is what I had to eat today...cornflakes, brownies, and rootbeer. I also fit in some chips and salsa, but they weren't handy for the picture. So nutritious. My excuse is that my husband is trying to redo some piping in our basement, hence we have no water. It's hard to cook when there's no water. (Don't worry, the brownies only required a half cup of agua). It's currently 10:13, and water. He left for Lowe's at 9:51 for something he needed to finish the job. They close at 10:00. I really hope he made it. A working toilet would be nice in the middle of the night.


Anonymous said...

That totally classifies as a well rounded meal.. I wouldn't complain about not being able to cook, but the whole bathroom thing does suck! Hope he made it!

katie said...

Looks very simliar to what I ate. Cookies and diet dr. pepper.

Tamra said...

I want to be on your diet-but with running water

Leeann said...

OH....brownies....Yum. I want to come visit!

Virtual Charlie