Sunday, April 13, 2008

Midnight Run

Lucky for me, Ross made it to Lowe's. He also called his brother, who came over at 11:00 pm to help him finish the plumbing project. However, they didn't finish until 2 am. About 12:30 am I had waited as long as I possibly could for a toilet, so I headed on over to the local Wal-mart. When I got to the bathroom there was a sign up that said "Closed for Cleaning." At this point several things were running through my mind, like "You've got to be freakin' kidding me!"...luckily the sign also mentioned that there were additional restrooms in the back of the store. Good thing. Otherwise I might have had to duke it out with the cleaning lady. I figured since I was already there I might as well pick up a few essentials. Like mint chocolate chip ice cream. Mmmm.


Tamra said...

Doesn't Katie live closer than Walmart?? That is hilarious, I know I should not laugh at your pain, but I found that blog so funny. I am glad you have running water (as well as myslef too)

katie said...

Pretty sure I live closer than Wal-Mart and my toilet is mostly clean. You should have called. I would have gone to get ice cream with you.

Tamara said... time I don't have water at 12:30 am, you'll be the first one I call.

Virtual Charlie