Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Well, I've finally entered the blogging world. I'm very nervous about writing my first post. Who will read it? What will they think? What should I write?

I guess I'll start at the beginning. As Julie Andrews once said, it's a very good place to start. So, for starters, I'll explain the name of my blog. See, I've been contemplating blogging for quite some time now, as my friend Katie has been telling me I need to start one. And to be honest, the thought of having my very own space on the worldwide web is rather exciting and intriguing. I wanted a cool name for my blog, but everything seemed to be taken. Then today I was thinking back to my mission. See, a mission is hard...and a lot of the time it just really sucks. But nobody really tells you just have to discover it on your own. But I also wouldn't change the fact that I went because of those "random and rare" great experiences. It's kind of like life. A lot of days are ho-hum, sometimes it sucks...but you wouldn't change it. Because those "random and rare" experiences are just so worth it. (And lucky for me, that blog name happened to be open. Otherwise you'd be reading a different post at the moment, or perhaps no post at all...yet.)

So, hopefully this will be a place where I can share a few of those experiences with you, my arbitrary readers. And a place where I can record those experiences for my own personal benefit. Maybe I'll discover that those great experiences aren't so rare after all.


katie said...

Hip, hip , hooray. It's about freaking time! I'm going to post this on my blog. You'll get a lot of great readers, especially if they know me.

Sherry said...

Hi Tamra. Katie made me join too. She just has that kind of influence over people. By the way, thanks for the cabin info!

katie said...

wrong tamara sherry. yes, it's true. i have two friends with that name. one tamra, the other tamara. confusing? i agree.

mickey said...

I have to agree mission life and real life are filled with those random and rare experiences we must cherish. Welcome to blooggerville.

lizzie said...


Annie said...

Welcome! Glad you could join us!

Tamra said...

Hey look at all the influence Katie has. Katie should get some kind of kick back from for all the business she drums us. I love the reasoning behind the name of your blog. And now that katie has described your decorating style as "square pointy things" we need a picture of your walls. And a picture of your cute baby, since I haven't seen him since Katie poisened my husband back in Jan. and sent him to ICU for 7 days or so.

Tamra said...

Oh ya, now inspire Kristy to get started on her blog. Spain is a good excuse to blog.

Mamarazzi said...

YAY for new bloggy friends!

i big red puffy heart Katie so any friend of hers is a friend of mine, sorry no choice you are stuck with me!

blogging has brought me so much joy. i love having a place to journal and document the adventures we go on as a family. i hope it brings you the same.

Tiffany said...


Anonymous said...

It's neat to know the background of your "name". I too think missions are hard but worth it if you can had even 1 random or rare experience!!! We're still looking or ours.

Virtual Charlie