Friday, October 8, 2010


Sadie Claire.  Born 8/24, measuring 7 lbs. 9 oz. and 21" long.  This girl is a gem.  Pretty sure she's the world's best baby.  At 6 weeks old she's already sleeping well at night, cries very little, and is happy to entertain herself.  Of course, the one constant about babies is that they constantly change.  But for now, I'm thoroughly enjoying her contentedness...and her beautiful smiles.  I love this little girl!


Lisa E said...

So sweet! Congratulations!

katie said...

She's darling! Little girls are great!

The Edwards Family said...

I haven't been on your blog for a while and was super excited to see this post! CONGRATULATIONS on your beautiful little girl! She's so precious!!!

BYU Hottie said...

Beautiful! And I'm so glad she's so good. Makes you sigh with relief, doesn't it? :)

Wendi said...

She's so cute! Glad she's a good sleeper for you. Life is so much better on a good night's sleep. :)

Virtual Charlie