Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

I love the beginning of every year.  Knowing that I get a fresh start brings a warm fuzzy feeling to my heart, as well as a bit of relief and excitement.  The previous year is now a memory, and I get a chance to create a new future.  I used to write down everything I wanted to accomplish that year...it was always a long list.  Now I realize that despite my good intentions, my to-do list should be kept short.  Let's be honest, with two kids I'm lucky to get dressed some days.  Here are my goals for the upcoming year.

Goals for 2011
1. Declutter the house
2. Organize the house
3. Finish renovating & decorating the house

Deceptively short.  The actual to-do list: freakishly long.  Perhaps my lists haven't changed as much as I thought.  I know I've teased you with promises of getting organized before, but this time I really mean it.  It's time to get my crap under control.  Today I started with putting away too-small baby clothes.  Oh how time flies!


Wendi said...

Once you're finished with your house, you can come help me with mine. :) We have too much junk!

Jesse said...

Saw your results on facebook, Great job!!

Virtual Charlie