Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mr. Incredible

Have I ever told you about my addiction to Yard Sales?  It all started when Ross & I were dating.  We'd get up early on Saturday morning and go cruising around for deals--it was our thing.  These days we tend to go seperately if we're not sleeping in.  Somehow the idea of dragging an almost-2-year-old around isn't very appealing, but we still love to find great stuff.  Last Saturday I found this Mr. Incredible costume.  I couldn't resist getting it for my own little Jack-Jack.  It's a bit big for him, but he loved it.  Unfortunately I can't say the same for the chickens.

Mr. Incredible Costume: $3
My Sister's Cickens: Free (for me anyhow)
Being Entertained by My Little Superhero: Priceless


katie said...

Love it! And I love garbage sales too!

Wendi said...

He'd fit in at my house. Luke is usually always dressed up in some costume. Just wait until he wants to wear it the the grocery store......We've done that too. :)

BYU Hottie said...

How perfect! I love the costume, and his six pack! Who'da thunk? :)
-Beffy :)

Virtual Charlie