Monday, October 12, 2009

Mmmm...Monday: Kringler

This Scandinavian pastry is an old family favorite.  My sister, Tiffany, is the family Kringler-making expert.  And since she made it for me this weekend, I thought I'd share the delectable recipe.

First Layer

• 1 c flour
• 1/2 c butter or margarine, room temp
• 2 T water

Mix together like pie dough with a pastry cutter or fork (or you can use your paddle attachment if you have a KitchenAid mixer).  Pat out on a greased cookie sheet in two long strips, each 3" wide.  It will be as long as the cookie sheet & somewhat thin.

Second Layer

• 1 c water
• 1/2 c butter or margarine
• 1 c flour
• 3 eggs
• 1/2 tsp almond extract

Combine water & butter in saucepan.  Heat to boiling.  Remove from heat & add flour; stir until smooth.  Stir in eggs, one at a time, beating WELL after each.  A wooden spoon works great for this.  (Or, if you're lazy like me, you can use your KitchenAid again with the paddle attachment...or have your child or husband do this...I'm all about delegating).  Beat in almond extract.  Spread on top of first layer.  Bake at 400° for about 18 min.  When cool, drizzle frosting over kringler, slice in 2" diagonals & serve.  Makes a great breakfast treat...if you have any left over from the night before.


• 1 c powdered sugar
• 1 T melted butter or margarine
• 1/2 tsp almond extract
• a little milk

Mix together until drizzling consistency.

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Virtual Charlie