Tuesday, March 10, 2009

So Long, Farewell...

It's official...Jack is finally off the bottle. We decided to take it a feeding at a time, and everyone seems to be pretty happy. He's been done for about a month now, but I finally packed up the bottles and all their cabinet-consuming paraphernalia. Bring on the sippy cups.


katie said...

Sippy cups are just as annoying. We just got rid of our last three. Matthew won't have anything to do with them. he has to have a cup like everyone else. End of an era around here.

Wendi said...

That's a good feeling.....glad it went fairly easy for you. It can be a battle with some kids.

Anonymous said...

I'm sooooo very happy for you and oh yes, for Jack too!!! It's a good feeling knowing your child is getting independent little by little.

Virtual Charlie