Friday, March 6, 2009


I'm tired of winter. Down with snow and everything related to the cold. Rather than packing up and moving to Hawaii I decided to bring Spring into my house. Even though it's not officially spring, and Punxsutawney Phil says we still have more winter ahead, I decided to put a Spring picture & flower in my bathroom. I like to change them out each's easy to do and it makes me happy.

I even splurged and bought some tulips to put on my dining room table.

Ahhh...much better.


Unknown said...

So pretty and VeRy SpRiNg!!!! Love it!!

katie said...

Amen! Winter be gone! However I have no cute spring pictures. ANd the tulips on my table are dying.

Anonymous said...

I love how you always make things look soooooo nice in your home!!!

Wendi said...

I agree. After December, it should never snow again until next December. Good ideas to brighten up the home though!

Jesse said...

Yeah! Spring!!!

Jesse said...

Yeah! Spring!!!

Jesse said...

Wendy messed me up and was commenting at the same time, thus I clicked on mine twice, Sorry, I really don't think I am that important:(

Virtual Charlie