Sunday, March 15, 2009


Getting your hair cut is generally a good thing. You cut off all those split ends, get a few minutes for yourself, and hopefully end up with a great final result. There's one thing I didn't count on when I got my hair done yesterday...Jack didn't recognize me. He kept looking at me like I was a nice stranger that had come over to spend time with him & me cute smiles & flirting. I think he finally realized (after about 8 hours) that I'm the same mommy as before....hopefully. Or else he just thinks he got a new mom.


The Newbold's said...

That's funny! I dyed my hair once when Sierra was really little and she looked at me kinda weird for a few hours too. Don't they recognize our eyes or other facial features? Do you have a picture posted? I want to see!

Anonymous said...

Your hair looks great!!! Sorry your not too happy with it. I think it makes you look younger too.

katie said...

At least you're brave enough to try something new. I told you on sunday that i liked it and i truly do. oh, and you take a great slef portrait. Mine always end up with double chins and nostrils.

Anonymous said...

Cute hair!! Been thinking of you....hope you are doing well!!

Wendi said...

You make me want to cut my hair! It looks cute!

Virtual Charlie