Saturday, March 28, 2009


We all have them...those little quirks that make us seem psycho to other people...I mean, make us unique. I wasn't actually tagged, but thought this would make a fun post. Maybe it will inspire all of you to share your own individuality.

#1 No More Tags!

I'm talking about the store bought kind. I absolutely cannot stand to have a sticker kept on a store bought item that's being used in my house. Or someone else's house for that matter. The worst is plastic containers. I once visited a friend who'd been using said containers for quite some time, and still had all the stickers on them. I had to take them off for her...I just couldn't handle seeing them on there. I've gotten a little better over the years, but it still drives me nuts.

#2 Organization

Although many areas of my house are a complete mess, I really like to have things organized. Especially my tupperware. Seeing it all stacked neatly by shape just brings joy to my heart. The mere mention of organizing gets me excited. An old friend and college roommate helped to bring about this neurosis...she showed me the beauty of organization. I haven't been the same since.

#3 Lists

I'm not sure which came first...the obsession with lists or the love of organization. But lists are a necessary part of my life. I have lists for things I need to get done, lists of things I want to buy, lists of what to make for dinner...and many more. All these lists used to be located on varoius post-it notes around my room, but I've graduated to putting lists on my computer & cell phone. Now my lists are high tech.

#4 I HATE going to bed.

Maybe it's some repressed need from my childhood, but I have the hardest time making myself go to bed. It's rare for me to get to bed before midnight. I just keep thinking of all the things I could be doing instead of sleeping. The only problem is that I always have to wake up the next morning...or sooner depending on Jack's mood. And I always hate myself for not going to bed earlier, since I really do enjoy my sleep. It's a vicious cycle.

#5 Phones

As long as we're on the subject of things that I hate, we might as well talk about how much I despise the phone. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a fabulous invention, and I often use it. I just seriously dislike talking on it. If I'm given the option I would rather e-mail, text, or even walk to someone's house in order to converse with them. I know it's strange.

#6 Numbers

I tend to memorize numbers. I can spout off the numbers on my library card, Discover card, and drivers license, along with a handful of others that I frequently use. Mostly I just get tired of looking them's just so much more efficient to have them committed to memory.

#7 Mmmmm...Yogurt

I lick the lids of my yogurt containers. People have made fun of me for doing this, but I don't care. Why waste any of that creamy goodness? It's unnecessary. If my tongue could fit into the container, I'd probably lick that clean as well. Believe me, I've tried.


Jesse said...

Amen to the phone dislike. Wish I was orginized- lessons?

Mom said...

This past week I have been extremely impressed with how organized you are!!!! The rest of your blog just made me laugh, you are one funny girl. :-)

The Newbold's said...
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The Newbold's said...

I'm surprised that you memorize such long numbers. I like the list and I agree with the phone thing, so I'll never feel guilty for cutting it short with you. We can txt. BTW, don't cut your tongue on the yogurt rim!

katie said...

I lick yogurt lids and have my library card number memorized too and I consider myself beyond normal.

Wendi said...

You are very organized. Feel free to come help me anytime. Oh, you will probably find some tags on stuff around my house. I figure the boys will break things faster than I can remove the tags, so why bother? :)

Rachel said...

Heellloooooo Coach! I read that thing about memorizing numbers and I chuckled to myself....Oh, the good 'ole days of NYC. The only reason I survived Brooklyn as long as I did was because of you. I'll get back to you on facebook. -Haines aka JungleCat reow!

Virtual Charlie