Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter Highlights

I've never really been much of an Easter person. I realize what we're celebrating, but I've never done much beyond dying eggs and eating candy. Having a kid and a husband definitely changes things. Ross made sure that Jack had a great Easter this year. He set up an egg hunt in our back yard, tried to help Jack decorate some plastic eggs with stickers, and helped out with eating all that Easter candy (most of which he bought last year, in true Ross fashion, at 75% off). Not to mention the Easter basket he arranged for Jack. The smile on Jack's face, along with the picture of him hugging Ross' legs, says it all. What a great dad...and what a cute kid! But then again, I'm a little biased.


katie said...

so does easter candy really taste the same after a year? just curious.

Tamara said...

The peanut butter cups were a little rancid, but everything else was fine. We opted to freeze the chocolate bunnies...a very good choice. They were excellent.

Mom said...

Love the pictures of your family!!!
Ross is a great Dad but then again your a great Mom. Lucky kid that has both!!!

Virtual Charlie