Monday, March 2, 2009


I absolutely cannot pass up anything free that could possibly be useful. These items were swiped from my sister's hotel room this weekend. I couldn't believe she was going to pass up free shampoo! Yes, I know I have issues.


The Newbold's said...

Have you ever used hotel shampoo and conditioner? It's very hard for me to comb my hair after I've used it, thus I will pass it up, but maybe from now on I'll bring it home to you!

katie said...

At least they match your countertop nicely.

Jesse said...

you are a splendid photographer.
If you ever want more, Jeff has collected them over the past 7 years we have plenty:0

Anonymous said...

If I only had of known!!! I left ours in the room.

Anonymous said...

I was wondering what happened to those!!!

Just kidding... we have TONS so I left them. Glad they could make you so happy. :)

Virtual Charlie