Sunday, February 22, 2009


Today we took Jack on a field trip to the old people home. Somehow Ross & I got roped into giving talks at their sacrament meeting. Old people homes generally creep me out so I was a little worried, but it was better than I thought it would be. My favorite part was Jack wanting to play with everyone's walkers. And I got to skip my own church.

I finally got some barstools to put at my kitchen counter. They were on clearance at Bed Bath & Beyond as part of a counter height dining set. The table is sitting unassembled in my ever messy garage. Still haven't decided what to do with it. In the meantime I'm enjoying the fact that I can sit at the counter and use my computer...and not have a 1 year old climbing all over me to get to it.

As part of my Valentine's Day present to Ross I helped him do some mudding & taping in the basement laundry room. The picture above is some of my handiwork. I was amazed 1. that he actually let me help (he's a bit of a perfectionist) and 2. that I was actually pretty good at it. Sorry, I'm not for hire.


The Newbold's said...

LOVe the bar stools, they look great. The mud and tape don't look too shabby either. Great job!

Anonymous said...

Your sitting in our family room at the moment and I'm surprised you've not mentioned one thing about the bar stools, etc. Although you did mention the progress on the wash room. I'm guessing you'll see how long it takes me to take a look at your blog. :-)
Thanks for sharing your time with old people (like us). We love seeing you, Jack and Ross and I think it's great to have young people visit us old people even if it was at their church.
Love you,

katie said...

Congrats on the progress in the basement! I got your text yesterday but I'm officially waiting for tomorrow to come so that my number of texts starts over. I'm WAY over my limit. But yes, we are home. Got home late sat. night. See you soon!

Wendi said...

It's nice to get things done. I'm also with you on the old folks home. I worked in one and it creeped me out. :)

Virtual Charlie