Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I Am a Mother

This year was my first official Mother's Day. There were some definite benefits to this...for example, the gifts. And then there's the breakfast and dinner that Ross made for me. And the yummy cake he made. Mmmm. There are also a few downsides to being a new mom, for example the lack of sleep and the fact that I'm losing massive amounts of hair. But for the most part, I love it. And in honor of Mother's Day, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite 'Mom' moments.

* After feeding Jack in the middle of the night I usually put him in his crib and stumble on back to bed. But sometimes before I leave the room he'll open his eyes for a brief moment and give me a smile before he nods off to a peaceful slumber. It's almost as if he's saying "Thanks, Mom."

* I still remember the first time I heard him really giggle. I love that little giggle.

* Realizing I'll do just about anything, including making stupid noises and faces in public, just to get him to smile. Who needs dignity when you can have a happy child?

* Hearing Jack laugh while his dad was changing a particularly disgusting diaper.

* Sneaking into his room to give him one final kiss before I go to bed.

* Those moments of discovery when he realizes he can do something or hears a sound for the first time.

* Feeling the love of a mother for her child. There's nothing like it.

I love you little one.


Anonymous said...

Now you know why my hair is so thin up top. :-) However, like you I love being a Mother, especially your Mother!!!!! You were so much fun as a baby and so loving and cuddly. I loved to get you up from a nap because you would wrap your arms around my neck and just give me the best hugs!! When I stop and think about it I can still feel the softness of your skin and your arms wrapped around my neck. Pure Joy!!! Oh, the joy of motherhood. I am looking forward to hearing Jack giggle, that will be so fun for me. Let's see in about 6 1/2 months. So Ross is changing diapers! I thought that was something he said he "would not do". You go Ross!!! I'm grateful you are able to experience the good part of being a Mom, because you sure made being a Mother a wonderful experience for me and I love you for that!!!!!!! Thanks again for the wonderful Mother's Day gift. :-)

katie said...

Very nice Tamara. Jack is very lucky to have you as his mom.

Annie said...

He is so cute!!! What nice things to say. I enjoy when women say they atcully enjoy being a mom. Thanks!

Virtual Charlie