Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Day of Fives

Yesterday was a day of fives. I:

* Changed 5 poopy diapers (all from the same kid)
* Did 5 loads of laundry
* Hand-washed dishes 5 different times. It actually might have been more, but I lost track. Our dishwasher is broken again. We just got it a year ago. Don't buy a Frigidaire.
* Ate 5 chocolate chip cookies. Honestly, it was more than 5, but we'll just pretend.
* Lost 5 lbs. Not really, but I wish.
* Fed peas to Jack for the first time. He probably ate 5 tablespoons, maybe more. He loved them. Good for him...I hate peas. My mom used to make me and my sisters eat 3 whenever she fixed them. Usually we'd hold our noses, pop them in, then swallow. It helped to avoid the taste. I just don't like the texture.

* Got to play with my 5 month old. That was the best part of the day.


katie said...

I'm pretty sure I never fed my kids any of the green veggies. I couldn't stand the sight of them. Glad you got good use out of your diapers.

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like quite a day! I'm grateful you are enjoying your little one.

Anonymous said...

I love those days when you are so glad to be a mom! (by the way you are a very good one)

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures of our cute grand son!! Thanks for including them. I too think you are a very cute Mom. Sorry about the diaper duty.

Virtual Charlie