Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Happy Mother's Day, Ross

After much debate and searching, Ross finally bought himself a Nintendo Wii. In true Ross fashion, he found a deal on he couldn't resist. He's decided it will help to strengthen our marriage as we play the games together, and help us to get off the couch, since most of the games are played while standing up.

I asked him whose gift this was, and he stated that it was his...for Mother's Day. Since he hasn't found me a present yet, he's decided we'll switch holidays this year. I get Father's day. With all this extra time, he should be able to find me a really great present. Really, really great. It's June 15th, Ross...don't forget.


katie said...

Serious? I would have never guessed that Ross would like a WII. Can i come and watch you two play?

Anonymous said...

I think you should go buy yourself a gift from Jack. A very nice gift at that. After all you aren't Ross' mother.

Virtual Charlie