Friday, September 4, 2009

My Favorite Things

When Ross and I first started couponing I never knew it would become such an obsession. I also never knew that things I considered 'luxury items' could be mine, at a fraction of the cost most people pay for them. Here are a few of my favorite 'luxury items' that we've been able to get for free, or downright cheap. I realize most people won't consider these luxuries, but since I'm such a cheapskate, I do. Have I mentioned that I love my husband? Without him, I'd be living a life of deprivation.

Scrubbing Bubbles Action Scrubber

These things are absolutely fantastic.  Cleaning the tub & shower is one of my least favorite jobs...I'd rather clean the toilet or the kitty litter.  Well, at least I would have until I found these.  They're so good I'd even pay full price for them...if I couldn't find a coupon, of course.  One pad can clean two bathtubs...walls and all.  And it only takes about 5 minutes.  It even takes care of that nasty soap scum.

Windex Wipes

These are pretty nice, too.  Not that I need them.  What's so hard about grabbing a paper towel & some spray?  I don't know, but this seems so much eaiser.  Consequently my bathroom mirror has been a lot cleaner since we got these.  They only bad thing about them: they just clean a small area.  Too bad or my windows might be cleaner, too.

Glade Plug-Ins

I just love a house that smells good...especially one that smells like clean laundry.  It's even better when I didn't have to do the laundry myself.

Pledge Multi-Surface

From the moment we met we've gotten along splendidly.  I was a little worried at first...after all, it claims to clean everything.  Come on, everything?  But seriously, it really does.  Another product I would pay full price for.  And I wouldn't even feel guilty if I didn't have a coupon.
Lypsyl Lip Balm

I'm not much for beauty products (if you see me very often you've probably noticed this), but I do try to keep my lips and hands from going dry.  This won't do anything for your hands, but it's done wonders for my lips.  In fact, it works so well I only have to use it at night...I don't even have to bother with chapstick the rest of the day.  Pretty amazing if I do say so myself.

Schick Quattro

Again, not much for the whole beauty thing, but a girl has to shave.  It's just a part of life--normally one which I do with really cheap razors.  But this thing is amazing.  Not one single knick since I've owned it, no razor burn either.  And it's lasted forever. 

And in honor of this being my 100th post, I've decided to give away a package of all my favorites to a lucky reader.  So go ahead and leave a comment...both of you.  I'll announce the random winner Tuesday.


Lisa E said...

I can't believe this is your 100th post already! Congratulations! I love reading your blog--it makes me laugh every time...and wish we got together more often!

The Newbold's said...

I thought mom might have posted by now. She's slacking! Great cleaning tips, thanks. I'll have to try some since I loathe cleaning also.

katie said...

I need those tub things. Bad. And the pledge favorite too. Maybe you and Ross should do a mini class on couponing. I'd come.

Mom said...

I think someone ought to turn you into these company's you endorse, maybe you could get a liftime supply of all your favorite products.:-)

Anonymous said...

Count me in... I could definitely use those. Mostly I could use some time to use them. :-)

Julie said...

Okay... the anonymous is Julie.

Tiffany said...

I LOVE reading these types of lists and I am very intrigued by these items. And your ability to coupon.
Thank you!

Virtual Charlie