Saturday, September 19, 2009

More Crafts

A while ago I went to visit my sister & worked on some projects that I'd been wanting to do for quite a while.  I've finally gotten around to showing them off...aren't you proud?

Neck Pillow

I've seen these for adults, but never even thought to make one for a kid.  When I saw it I thought, "That's pure genius!"  So I made one myself.  I got the idea here, but recently found an awesome tutorial here.  The second one is so cute I might have to make Jack another one.  It's been quite handy, especially to avoid all that head bobbing when he falls asleep in his car seat.  He's even used it to take naps in the grocery cart. 

Bathroom Curtain

Not that making a curtain for your bathroom window is a novel idea, but our window happens to be in the shower.  Seriously, who ever thought that was a good idea?  Ross & I spent forever trying to come up with a window covering solution that wouldn't get moldy or ruined and finally came up with this.  It's outdoor fabric hung up with curtain rings on a tension rod--that way we can take it down & wash it whenever we need to.  Apparently the manufacturers think people only need white tension rods, so I had to spray paint mine.  Lucky for me we have an endless supply of silver spray paint in our garage.  And if you ever need some inexpensive curtain rings, this is a great place to get them. They have a B&M store close by.

Fabric Pumpkins

Aren't they fabulous?  I got the idea & pattern from my friend Lisa.  They're incredibly easy.  I'm working on putting a tutorial together so everyone can make some. You know you want to.


The Newbold's said...

Woo hoo, great job!! I saw my pumpkin material last night and thought I can make those soon and decorate the house with them. I can't wait to make them, hopefully they'll turn out as cute as yours.

Wendi said...

Seriously! I don't know how you find the time to do all that you do. That neck pillow looks fun! I have one....well had one. Talmage has stolen it and uses it. I may have to make some for Christmas for the kids so I can take mine back. :)

Virtual Charlie