Wednesday, July 22, 2009


An update: my SAHM plans have been foiled. Ross got laid off on Friday. Boo on his former employer. I feel a little like the villain on Scooby Doo...'and I would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for..." *big sigh*

Despite the bad news, Jack & I headed to Cedar City Friday night. Ross decided to stay home and work on tile. My sister & her husband ran a half marathon Saturday morning (I think they're slightly crazy) so we got to baby-sit. More like I was there to supervise...Tiff's kids are pretty self-sufficient. Although Oakley was complaining at lunch that she hadn't had breakfast. Oops. Jack helped out with the babysitting by providing entertainment for all. Here he is in his cousin's rain boots. Ross would be mortified to see him in pink. Oh well.

Anyhow, they got back pretty early so I had tons of fun with her and her family. We had good food, laughed with the kids, and I even completed a couple of projects I've been wanting to do for years. Yes, that's right YEARS. And I discovered that I LOVE sewing. Who'd have thunk? More to come on the projects...


The Newbold's said...

It was Soooo fun having you guys come!! Thank you!! Sorry about Ross's job, but hopefully something will land your way soon and he'll like it better than his old gig. Find some more sewing projects if you want and we'll do it again, I could bring my machine up there.

P.S. Didn't you already know I'm a "little crazy"?

Mom said...

What a cute picture of Jack, he looks like life is really GREAT!!!
Glad you discovered the love of sewing.

Wendi said...

Sorry to hear about Ross's job. That stinks! Let me know if you need a date night. I owe you!

Virtual Charlie