Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I may have mentioned my obsession with onion rings once or twice before. I blame it all on Jack. I had yet another craving for some crunchy deliciousness yesterday. Rather than running to the nearest fast food restaurant where you generally overpay & never know what quality you're going to get, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I found an ingenious recipe on (my favorite recipe 'book' of all time) and decided to try it out.

And of course I had to eat them with some classic fry sauce...they just aren't the same without it. My stomach was very happy with the result.

And now my mouth is watering for more...


Mom said...

They look absolutely delicious!! You are quite the cook!!!!!!!

The Newbold's said...

THat's funny! When I was reading the post I could see the picture in the bottom corner and it seemed to be pulsing off the page at me. Have you tried Joe Morleys onion chips? They have yummy food.

Wendi said...

Those look soooo good! I'll have to try them sometime.

Virtual Charlie