Thursday, July 9, 2009

Father's Day

I know Father's Day was a couple of weeks ago, but I still wanted to take a minute to celebrate Ross. He's the best father Jack could have asked for...and the best parenting partner I could have asked for. He gets up with Jack at 6:30 (often earlier) almost every day. He takes him to PetSmart & Chucky Cheese. He makes sure he has all the fun experiences of childhood, and all the developmental toys he needs (at a great price, of course). And he makes sure I get the sanity breaks I need. I don't know how Jack & I got so lucky.

To celebrate we bought him a lawn mower and made him some great food. Jack helped by donating some of his beloved milk for the eclairs--Ross' favorite dessert. Yum.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Ross is a really great Dad!! It's fun to watch him with Jack they are so very much alike.

Virtual Charlie