Friday, May 15, 2009


Yesterday I roasted a turkey breast that I got on sale. Unfortunately, due to projects, a kid and other interruptions we weren't able to actually sit down and eat it. Booo. So, for our lunches today I threw in said roasted turkey, frozen green beans, stuffing that I whipped up this morning (why have I not realized before that this stuff only takes 5 minutes?), and topped it off with some cranberry sauce...fresh out of the can. Although it was missing a few things (mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes...the list could go on), it reminded me of Thanksgiving, and I felt like I was celebrating.

So, I've decided to make today a day of celebration...beginning at 5 pm (when I get off work. Seriously, it's hard to celebrate at work). My plan: go to IKEA and pick up some storage shelves. What? You think that's a bit deranged? Psha, I say. Organizing and purchasing organizing materials are a fantastic way to celebrate. I might even make an apple crisp to finish off such a grand day...with pre-made apple pie filling, of course. I should have Thanksgiving more often.


Lisa E said...

I see nothing wrong with celebrating with organizational supplies. Nothing at all.

Mom said...

Too bad you don't have more days off from work. Sounds like you really had fun. Your turkey looks wonderful! Maybe we should be having dinner at your house this Sunday. :-)

Wendi said...

My mouth is watering right now. That looks way good! You inspire me. We had cereal for dinner last night. I guess I should actually cook sometime. :)

Virtual Charlie