Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Hubs

I love this man. Not only is he incredibly handsome, he's also the best husband I could ask for. He always tells me I'm smart, makes me laugh, and patiently puts up with my idiosyncracies. He's easy to please & accepts me for who I am. Want to learn more about him? Read on.

1. Where did you meet? In a corn maze. But he likes to say I rescued him during hurricane Katrina.

2. How long did you date before you were married? 11 months

3. How long have you been married? 4 1/2 years

4. What does he do that surprises you? He always buys me flowers for special occasions...Mother's Day, Anniversary, etc. I guess by now it shouldn't be a surprise, but I still don't expect it.

5. What is your favorite feature of his? His amazing green eyes. They still melt my heart...even when I'm mad at him.

6. What is your favorite quality of his? He's more patient than anyone I know.

7. How old is he? 31

8. How old are you? 29

9. Who eats more sweets? It's a toss up. He always wants some of what I'm eating. He calls it the Ross diet.

10. Who said I love you first? Me, of course. Ross isn't much for expressing affection, especially verbally.

11. Who is taller? Ross, by 4 inches. I was so glad to finally find someone tall!

12.Who can sing better? Probably me, though neither of us are very good. Even so, I love to hear him sing.

13. Who is smarter? Ross always says I am. What can I say, he's a smart guy.

14. Who does the laundry? We both wash laundry, but I'm the only one that folds it.

15. Who does the dishes? Me. But he entertains Jack so I can actually get them done.

16. His guilty pleasure? Watching cartoons & weird guy shows like King of the Hill.

17. Who mows the lawn? Usually Ross, but I help out if I have something else I want him to do.

18. Besides you, who is his best friend? Ross doesn't really believe in friends. But if I had to pick someone, it would be his sister Megan.

19. Who cooks dinner? Usually me, but he'll make it if I ask him to.

20. Who drives? It's 50-50. I usually drive at night (since he doesn't see well in the dark) or if we're going somewhere new. But he doesn't like my driving, so he still drives a lot.

21. Who is more stubborn? Ross.

22. Who kissed who first? Ross kissed me.

23. Who asked who out first? Our first date was a set-up. He kept asking me out after that. Such a gentleman.

24. Who proposed? Ross. He decorated his apartment with balloons and roses & had me find 100 reasons he'd written why he wanted me to be his wife. Who knew he could be so romantic?

25. Who has more siblings? Ross by far. He's number 7 of 13. Talk about middle child syndrome.

26. Who wears the pants? We share them. But he probably lets me have my way more often.

27. What is your favorite thing about him? Just one? It's hard to pick, but I'd have to say the fact that he's so supportive of me & Jack. There's no way I could do the motherhood thing without him.

28. Who has a worse temper? Probably Ross, but neither of us really have much of a temper. Although Ross is also more forgiving.

29. What does he call you? Babe, Tamara, Tams.

30. What is your favorite thing to do together? Go shopping. I hate to shop most of the time but he makes it fun. We've been known to spend hours in Tai Pan Trading. Although we do enjoy a rousing game of Disney Uno once in a while.


The Newbold's said...

I always like learning more about Ross since he is kinda hard to get to REALLY know. I also like reading about what you love about him. FUN post!

katie said...

This was great. I may have to steal.

Mom said...

Sounds like you've got a keeper. :-) But then you already knew that.

Anonymous said...

I haven't read your blog for a while! I can't believe how big Jack is getting!!! Give me a call when you have a day off :D

Virtual Charlie