Thursday, April 30, 2009


I have very fond memories of my mother making aebleskivers in a pan similar to this when I was little, so when Ross found this pan at Wal-mart for a mere $10, I jumped at the chance to have my own. Other reviewers said it was made of quality cast iron, and they weren't kidding. Last Saturday I decided to break it out and whip up a batch of aebleskivers. I learned that turning them over is an art mom made it look a lot easier than it is. After a few tries, I was able to make a few that looked pretty decent. Here is the result.


Not as good as my moms (they must have been made with more love), but not too shabby for my first try. Now to trying some filled ones.


The Newbold's said...

Ya-UMMMMM!!! I love ableskivers, bet I can eat more than you! I too have great memories of them and got my own pan a couple of years ago. It takes some practice to be able to turn them. I think I ended up using a toothpick and butter knife. We have a friend from med school who went to Denmark or the Netherlands on her mission(somewhere) and they made them there. She has an AWESOME caramel recipe she puts on hers.

katie said...

I've heard about these skiver things and I'm really glad you posted a picture. They look good!

Mom said...

Wow, that brings back a lot of memories. Makes me want to find my pan. Also (Tiffany) I'd love to have the "carmel" recipe. Tamara, I'm happy to share the secret of turning them. I too made it harder than I needed to when first making them. :-)

Virtual Charlie