Friday, May 1, 2009


The other night I woke up to Jack screaming. Not an unusual occurance since he's been sick & teething lately. I went in to make sure he was okay, and tried to rock him back to sleep. He wanted none of it. So, we took a trip to the front room and sat on the couch. He didn't like that either. I finally decided to get him his sippy cup of milk, since that almost always calms him down. I had barely put the cup in his hands(purple, of course, since that's the only color he'll drink milk out of) when he fell asleep and was out cold. He hadn't even taken a sip. So much for stuffed animals & blankets. Apparently he just likes his sippy.

1 comment:

The Newbold's said...

Sweet, now instead of night duty, you can just put the sippy in there to take care of him :) Who needs mom when you can have cold, hard plastic?

Virtual Charlie