Wednesday, December 24, 2008


In honor of Christmas Eve I thought I'd share my household decorations with you. Each year I try to do something a little different.

First I started with the tree...because you can't have Christmas decorations without a tree.

Next came the fireplace, which of course wouldn't be complete without the Charlie Brown Christmas tree. (By the way, this was Ross' Birthday present.)

Jack is the only one with a stocking this year...Ross' and mine didn't match.

I had a few leftover ornaments, so I put them in a cool glass thing I got from Tai Pan for $2...gotta love the scratch & dent section.

After that I moved onto my kitchen...

...and hallway

...and last but not least, the bathroom. Yes, I said the bathroom. Because really, what bathroom couldn't use a little holiday cheer?

To be honest, I was rather impressed with myself until I saw this house. Oh well. There's always next year.


katie said...

I love your decor. Just wait til jack brings stuff home from school and tapes it to the wall.
I love the thingy in your bathroom. I'll need pointers for next year.
By the way....what about the Leg Lamp?

Wendi said...

You're hired! You can help me next year. Just make sure everything is indestructable. That's how it has to be at my house to survive my boys. You are so creative!!

Anonymous said...

Very cute house you can decorate mine anytime! time for a new post:)

Virtual Charlie