Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Bah Humbug

I've been in a very anti-Christmas mood lately. It seems like the older you get the more Christmas becomes a deadline...there's so many presents to buy & wrap, decorating to do, and all the extra Christmastime activities to attend. Uggh. And on top of that Jack is teething, which has resulted in constant whining and little sleep...poor kid. By Sunday night I was ready to run away and pretend Christmas, and me, didn't exist this year.

Luckily, I decided to stay. And yesterday rather than working I caught up on my blog reading, which cheered me up immensely. I'm always amazed that reading about someone else's life and perspective can change mine so dramatically. So to all you fellow bloggers out there, I'd like to say thanks.

And just in case you need a little cheering up this holiday season, here's a great Christmas video for you to watch.

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Virtual Charlie