Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thirty One

Today is Ross' 31st Birthday. I've been teasing him that he's getting old. He's really not, but it's still fun to tease him. To help him celebrate here are 31 random facts about Ross. Here goes:

1. He eats more tortillas than any Mexican ever could
2. He has incredible green eyes
3. He has the patience of Job
4. He'll eat anything, often without even realizing he's eaten it
5. Although he refuses to ask for help, he'd do anything if you ask him
6. Great with kids, especially Jack
7. He's still a kid himself
8. His favorite dessert is eclairs
9. He rarely watches the same movie twice
10. He'll watch the history channel for hours...just for fun
11. He can make a game out of anything. We once played a game with pine needles and styrofoam take-out boxes. Seriously.
12. Hates PDA, but he's a romantic at heart
13. Can fix anything. If he doesn't know how, he'll research until he does.
14. Loves to find a deal...he'll search the internet for hours to find the best price on something
15. Gets up with Jack every morning, even if it's 5 am, so I can get a little more sleep
16. Considers corn flakes, tortillas and milk 'essentials'
17. Loves to watch the Colbert Report
18. He's addicted to video games
19. He plays video games with Jack
20. Can wear out a toothbrush faster than anyone I know
21. He's completely dedicated to his family
22. His favorite color is green...has been since he was little
23. When we go out to eat he always orders the most unusual entree on the menu
24. We rarely go out to eat...he hates to spend the money
25. Loves to go to Tai Pan
26. He once asked for Christmas decorations for his birthday...that's all he wanted
27. He's way too practical when it comes to gifts (getting, not giving)
28. He made his own leg lamp
29. He doesn't know how to smile for pictures
30. He often pronounces words with a "th" as an "f" sound (e.g. Birfday instead of Birthday)
31. His new favorite excuse is "I'm 31...leave me alone"

Happy Birfday Babe.


katie said...

Happy birfday Ross. Hope it's greaf.

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard on #30, stuff almost came out of my nose!

Virtual Charlie