Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I'm In Love

It's been almost a week ago that Ross and I had our 4 year anniversary. We were married on November 6, 2004. In case you couldn't tell the picture above is from our wedding day. I think I look pretty young. My ring is really shiny, too.

I started a blog post for that day, but didn't finish it on time. Not unusual for me--I tend to start a lot of things lately that I don't have time to finish. But, I still wanted to post something because four years is pretty amazing. True, it's not 10 or 25, but given the state of marriages these days it's pretty darn good. And even better, I'm proud to report that we're still in love. At least I am, and I haven't heard any complaints from Ross, so we'll assume he is too. He often tells me that his silence means he loves me...if he didn't like me he'd say something. (Whatever...I still make him tell me he loves me on a daily basis.)

We went to great lengths to have a grand celebration. After Ross got home from work we had a family outing to Lowe's and Wal-Mart. We also cooked a frozen lasagna, garlic bread, and some fancy frozen steam-in-the-bag vegetables with sauce. For Ross' present I bought him ice cream to help soothe his sore throat. Very thoughtful, I know. Ross didn't give me my present until Monday, but it was worth the wait. This is what he gave me:

I couldn't be more in love...with the nightstand, of course. After four years of putting my alarm clock on the floor, who wouldn't be? Don't worry Ross, I still love you, too.

1 comment:

katie said...

I LOVE that nightstand. You're very lucky to have each other. Congrats on 4 years!

Virtual Charlie