Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Handbell Hero

So we have this new video game called Wii Music. Ross and I decided to check it out the other night. It's an all right game...nothing too exciting. My favorite part, however, is the handbell game. It took me back to my days in the high school handbell choir.

I really have absolutely no musical talent. However, in high school I had a lot of friends who did. I was also looking to get out of a calculus class that I hated. Mostly it was the teacher that I didn't like...we lovingly nicknamed him Hitler. Percussion happened to be the same period, so it was ingenious, really. Could I read music? Absolutely not. But somehow my friends and I convinced the band teacher to let me be in the percussion section (by the way, she was oblivious to the fact that I was so inept musically). My first few weeks were spent learning the handbells. It's a great instrument for those who don't know how to read music. All you have to do is highlight your notes and do a little counting. So when I play this lovely Wii game it brings back all those calculus free handbell days. (It's pretty bad when you'd rather be a band geek than take a hard math class.)

In fact, I've had so much fun with this game that I jokingly thought they should make a 'Handbell Hero'. I did a little searching and found that there's not just one, but two Handbell Hero games on the web! Try them out...I guarantee you'll have fun. Now all we need is for Nintendo to make one.


Anonymous said...

I never knew you did that!
But I still love you!!!

katie said...

handbells scare me.

Virtual Charlie