Saturday, October 4, 2008


Last weekend I went to visit my sister in Cedar City. My sister has three great little girls. The youngest, Izi, is just 9 months older than Jack. I think she enjoyed the novelty of having someone younger around. One morning while she was eating breakfast she plopped herself right beside Jack, so I pulled out the camera and took a few pictures. The two of them are just so cute, I couldn't resist.

Here is my imagined conversation inspired by the photos.

Jack: "Oooh, bread..."

"Can I have some?"

"Pretty please? I'll scratch your back."

Izi: "Victory! I ate it all!"

Jack: "Too bad you didn't wait for the gingersnaps."


Anonymous said...

Oh Tamara, you should have been a comedian! We laughed and laughed at these pictures and your commentary. It was hilarious!!! It was so fun to see Jack & Izi together. I especially loved the very last picture!!!!! Keep up the good work. Love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!

katie said...

Ver, very cute!

Wendi said...

They are very cute! I love to watch little ones interact. They're usually cheap entertainment.

Virtual Charlie