Friday, October 10, 2008


One of my favorite things about summer is making chocolate-covered raspberries. When we bought our house it came complete with a raspberry patch, which is about the only thing that will grow in our yard. Although I like to eat them plain, adding chocolate makes them extra yummy. My secret is using half Ghirardelli® milk chocolate chips and half store brand semi-sweet chocolate chips, and I always make sure to temper the chocolate. These are so easy to make I'm amazed that anyone actually pays for them.


Anonymous said...

You are so cruel. Chocolate covered raspberries are one of my very favorite and the picture makes you want to reach right thru the monitor and start eating!!!
Maybe next summer you would want to make us some??? :-) Love you lots, Mom

katie said...

Those look waaaayyyyyy too good. Thanks a lot!

Wendi said...

Those look delicious! I'll have to try that out next year.

Virtual Charlie