Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Don't worry, this isn't the result of a domestic dispute. It's a bug bite. Who gets a bug bite right under their eye? Apparently I do.


Anonymous said...

This brings back memories of when you were very, very young and would get bitten by mosquitos. The bit would swell up and turn very red. We came to the conclusion that you must be allergic to those peskie little bugs.

Anonymous said...

oops, I really do know how to spell bite. :-)

katie said...

Very nice Tamara. I'd tell everyone that you got in a fist fight though.

Cortney said...

If it were my sister Lisa who got the bug bite, she would tell everyone that I punched her. She is good at blaming me for everything!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should blame Cortney! That looks lovely.

Virtual Charlie