Friday, June 20, 2008


It's been a while since I've had a chance to post, so I have a lot of random thoughts floating around in my head. None of them have formulated into a complete post of their own, so I'll compile them all into one.

* My dishwasher finally got fixed today. It's about freaking time. After having a non-working dishwasher for over a month I was about ready to go buy a new one and send this piece of junk back to Frigidaire. Reminder to self: send a complaint e-mail.

* I finally went and got an eye exam. It's been about 3 years. My prescription had changed by over a point (-4.25 to contact lingo). It's amazing how different the world is when you can actually see it.

* Father's day was great. I went and bought myself a new casserole dish and a salad spinner. Ross got a tie and a new pillow. I'm pretty sure I got the better present. But I made him a good dinner...twice baked potatoes, parmesan chicken, and green beans. Yum.

* I have the best husband. He mows the lawn, takes out the trash, and waters the yard. For some reason only half of our yard has sprinklers so Ross goes out and waters the rest by hand every day. And he's a fantastic dad. Jack absolutely adores him. Probably because he gets up with him at 6:30 every morning. I adore him for that, too.

* I just found out that my friend's mom died. She'd been battling brain cancer for a while so it wasn't totally unexpected, but still really sad. I wish I had a better way of expressing my feelings, but all I can come up with is: Death sucks.

* This same friend used to be a roommate in college. We actually became friends in high school. I didn't like her at first, probably because I was jealous of her. I'm glad she decided to be my friend anyhow.

* We had a great quote board on our wall in college, written completely in "Lisa Font". One of the quotes was "Random, randomness, you're sayin' I'm fat." It makes no sense, but it still makes me smile. I still have that quote board.


Anonymous said...

I love random post! Yes you do have a wonderful husband. Jack is soooo cute......I miss seeing him (you and Ross too).

Anonymous said...

It is so fun to see your little boy! He is growing up to fast. He must be a real character. We are anxious to come home, get to know him and give him our share of love!

Virtual Charlie