Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Weekend Adventures

Ross, Jack and I took an impromptu vacation over the weekend. My sister and her family were in Cedar City for a Carnival hosted by Premier Pediatrics, where he'll soon be a full-fledged Pediatrician. They had a family suite at the local Comfort Inn, and invited us to come down since there was ample room.

Jack was a real trooper and slept for the majority of the 460 mile round-trip journey. While we were there we hung out at a rich doctor's house. We enjoyed their outdoor kitchen, pool, and fire pit. If Jack had been bigger he could have even played in their custom-built playhouse, complete with a flat screen TV. Ross took Jack for his first dip in the pool. We aren't sure if he liked it, but at least he didn't cry.

On the way home we decided to go see some petroglyphs in nearby Parowan. The site wasn't well marked, but we finally found our way to see the "Paragraphs," as Ross kept calling them. Maybe I just take for granted knowing what they are. After all, I learned about Indians and petroglyphs in Utah History classes growing up. Ross didn't quite understand what we were actually going to see until we got there. Upon seeing the lovely rock art he proclaimed, "Oh...I've seen those on Smallville." Um, sure. Except these weren't done by aliens. Here's a great picture of Jack and the petroglyphs. We were too lazy to take him out of his car seat.


Anonymous said...

Glad Ross liked the "paragraphs". What a guy!! Loved the pictures, I think Jack looks like the water is "ok".

katie said...

Love the pictures. Glad you had a good time. I missed you at Stake Conference! ha.

The Newbold's said...

I'm glad you found the petroglyphs. I'm laughing my pants off about the alien paragraphs; HAAA HAA It was so much fun to have you come down-Thanks for coming! Can't wait until we're there!

Virtual Charlie