Friday, May 2, 2008

Onion Rings

I don't know what the deal is, but I have a new-found obsession with onion rings. Well, I guess it's not so new, but it's definitely an obsession. See, around month 8 of being pregnant with my beautiful baby boy, Jack, I discovered that I could get a styrofoam plate full of happiness at my work for about $1. Usually there's an additional 5 cents or so, but I like to focus on the $1. It was a great deal which not only satisfied my craving, but filled me up, and I could fit multiple plates of happiness into my meager little budget each month.

Unfortunately, the cravings have continued well past the pregnancy, which isn't so good for not-so-little me. I've been pretty good at warding off the call of the onion rings, but today I'm going to indulge myself. I think I'll have a hamburger too. It's amazing how much happiness $1 can buy. I'd better hurry...the cafeteria closes at 2:00.

1 comment:

katie said...

Now I'm needing some onion rings. Thanks a lot.

Virtual Charlie