Saturday, May 3, 2008

Fly Swatter

Meet Sam. Hands down this is the most bizarre cat I have ever known, and I've known quite a few. She likes to hang out on the roof, eat bugs, and scavenger for scraps of food...including cauliflower. Although I think zucchini is her favorite. Maybe she was a dog in a former life. She also plops herself down in my an effort to get some attention. We have a love / hate relationship. Today I experienced one of those love moments. She hunted down a fly that was buzzing around the house, and then ate it. And all I had to do was stand by and enjoy the entertainment. Who needs a fly swatter when you've got a cat? Thanks, Sam.


katie said...

Just wait til Jack starts chasing flies. That'll be entertaining too.

Anonymous said...

I am really glad that someone likes cats. It will be really fun to watch the cat and Jack when he starts crawling!

Virtual Charlie