Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Career Change

Today I gave my two weeks' notice. I've decided that it's time to make a career change from IT Analyst to Life Coach, otherwise known as a Stay-at-Home Mom. I've been contemplating a change for a while now, but thanks to my managers I now see the benefit of taking a more entrepreneurial route to career advancement. The measly pay & on-call hours are a bit of a deterrent, but I think the benefits offered by my new job will help to outway those negatives: taking naps with Jack, seeing his smiles, and cuddle time whenever I want (though I might have to bribe him with chocolate). Ya, I think I've made the right decision.

I've heard that making the transition to being your own boss can be a difficult one. However, I think I've learned a few things from working in the corporate world that will help to make my new job successful.

1. Always work toward a goal.
Does getting dressed every day count as a goal?

2. Project management is key.
If you know me at all, you know I'm always working on a project. But managing them? Like actually finishing them? I'm goona have to work on that.

3. Team activities are directly linked to employee morale.
This means that we'll need lots of play dates. I'm thinking we'll make a few trips to Wheeler Farm & the Aquarium. We might even have to plan an IKEA activity. So many options.

4. Brushing up on your skills leads to better results.
I'm pretty sure Girls' Night Out will now be a necessity. After all, I have a lot to learn from other moms.

5. Report, report, report!
It's hard to get results unless you feel accountable. This means more blogging.

Hopefully I'm ready for the change. It's a big leap of faith for me, but hey, I'm up to the challenge (hopefully). And if anyone has some advice on being a SAHM...send it my way. Wish me luck!


Wendi said...

I am so excited for you!! Welcome to the official SAHM club! It's so worth it. If you ever need help, or want to play, etc. Call me. Hopefully my boys won't scare Jack. They may teach him some things. :) (That can be good or bad). You will NOT regret this decision!

katie said...

Congrats! My only advice is this.....don't expect to get anything done. That way when you do, you'll be super excited. And when you don't, you won't really care. It's soooooo worth it.

Mom said...

Being a SAHM isn't a glamorous job but I'd do it again in a heartbeat! There are some pretty good perks, like being able to take a nap once in a while, watching your children grow, being there for them through the good and the not so good times, the list goes on and on. Now we can do lunch once in a while while "Grandpa" bonds with Jack. :-)

The Edwards Family said...

You will not regret this decision! It is SO worth it! My advice is actually the exact same as Katie's! When I read it I thought, "That's exactly what I was going to say!" So there you have it...from 2 people! Being a mom is the best job in the whole world!!!

Virtual Charlie