Wednesday, June 10, 2009


This stuff is seriously good. I can't seem to get enough of it. I keep telling myself I shouldn't make it, since I know I'll eat it all. But alas, the temptation is too great. I've made it about 6 times in the last 3 weeks...and it's beginning to show. Several people have asked if I'm expecting again. Nope. But I have been enjoying some great caramel corn. Guess it's time to step up the running. Heck, I'd run every day if it means I can eat this stuff.'s that good. If you want to start an addiction of your own, here's the recipe. My only suggestion is to switch out the peanuts for pecans. Mmmm...


Cortney said...

You can go ahead and keep making it, but then bring it to me. Good for both of us! I think you look great so boo to everyone who says different!

Mom said...

I do believe you were going to make some for us the last time you came to do laundry. I think we ran out of time. :-( Maybe next time. :-)

katie said...

This looks so, so, so, so, so, so good. Thanks A LOT!

Wendi said...

That looks way good! I'll have to give it a try. I'll go run with you!

Virtual Charlie