Friday, May 29, 2009


I'm finally including more photos of my decorating projects, as promised. As I've mentioned previously, I'm horrible at taking before pictures...I just get too excited to start a project & inevitably forget to document the current state of a room.

Anyhow, today I'll be sharing Jack's nursery with you. Hope you enjoy.

This lovely picture is taken from the entrance. Yes, it's a small room, but after taking a look at some of the tiny rooms at this website I realized it's not such a bad size after all. We tried to keep our expenses to a minimum, seeing as how neither of us likes to spend lots of money. The rocking chair was courtesy of Ross' step mom, the shelves courtesy of Target. The cute train on the top shelf? A great $3 garage sale find. I love garage sales. The curtains/bedding set were bought on Craigslist. I was going for a gender-neutral pattern...something that would last through however many babies we have. I should have realized that by the time we have another baby I'll want to create another nursery. Decorating them is just too much fun to only have one go at it. Even so, I really like the color combinations...and it went well with the current paint color. It's not fun to paint when you're pregnant.

This fabulous changing table was also a garage sale find...$8. Have I mentioned that I love garage sales? Ross repainted it for me with some leftover paint from another project. The bins and changing pad were splurges from Wal-mart. It just seemed a little gross to put my baby on the used changing pad that came with the table, so I bought a new one. And the bins...well, they're just fun. Like I said, a splurge. The changing table also doubles as a bookcase. It's the perfect height for Jack to pick out his night-time stories. The artwork is handmade by yours truly. Nothing spectacular, just a picture of Jack along with his birth stats...height, weight, date, etc. The guessed it, from a garage sale. Don't remember how much we payed, but I'm guessing no more than $1.

And finally we have the crib. This was a splurge as well, though we found it on Craigslist. In a former life it was used for staging a home, so Jack was the first baby to actually sleep in it. We got it for a fabulous deal...even so, it was a bit pricey. But Ross really wanted something nice. To the right of the crib we have some hooks I got at Target...great for hanging up blankets, towels and such. Above the crib is a great sign made by my sister, complete with a painted border (also done with leftover paint). On good days it warms my heart, and on Jack's ornery days it reminds me to be more patient. And to the left is a corner bookcase that Ross & I got for our first apartment. Since we weren't using it anymore, we put it in here and painted it to match the changing table. On top is another garage sale find...the lamp. I think it cost us 50 cents.

Well, thanks for joining me for a tour of the nursery. More tours to come...I bet you can't wait.


Mom said...

You have a good eye for what something can look like when you get through with it. I guess that's the beauty of "garage sales".

Wendi said...

You're hired! You can come and help me out anytime! Just make sure everything is has to survive my boys. :)

katie said...

Mike's sister calls them, "garbage sales." I personally love garbage sales and the D.I. The room is great!

Virtual Charlie