Monday, February 9, 2009

Lucky Day

Today is your lucky day. Probably.

Yesterday I wanted to play in the kitchen...I'm always happy when I'm playing in the kitchen, which, by the way, doesn't include making dinner. But now I have a whole bunch of caramels on my hands...and a few more chocolates that are waiting to be finished. I'm pretty sure my waistline is going to hate me if I eat them all (even though I'd like to), so I thought I'd share the calories. And since Valentine's Day is coming up I figured I'd have a drawing.

So, here's what you need to do. Write me a comment before 5 pm Thursday (Feb 12th) and I'll draw 5 lucky winners who get a sampling of my chocolates. I'll even deliver it before V-day (unless of course you live too far away...then the post man will have to deliver them). Winners will be announced Thursday night. I figure you've all get a pretty good chance...there's not that many people who read my blog. Good luck!


The Newbold's said...

These look soooo good! You need to teach me how to make them...maybe not. Carmel and chocolate together are just about the best thing to eat. I would run extra miles just to eat those. How many calories?

Tamara said...

About 70 calories per caramel, depending on the size it could be more or less.

Wendi said...

Count me in on the contest! Those look so good! You are quite the chef/baker. You're amazing!

Jesse said...

Hey I'll go for it. My hubby loves caramels. Hey calories don't count when they are homemade.

Lisa E said...

Why aren't we neighbors? Your creativity in the kitchen is amazing!

katie said...

I think I'm #5! I hope so. Nothing would help me feel more better than homemade treats. You are a domestic goddess!

Anonymous said...

This is the most comments I've ever seen on your "Blog" for one entry. Must give you some idea how many of your friends (and relatives) read your blog but don't leave any comments. :-) I must admit these look awsome. When on earth did you have time to make these??????

Anonymous said...

Put me in the drawing! Pick me! "I'll beg."

Cortney said...

pick me! hopefully i can eat without getting sick by then!

BYU Hottie said...

Oooo! Count me in! You amazing me with your ideas and ability to fulfill them. Not everyone can do that you know.....
-Bethy Reeves :)

Virtual Charlie