Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Play Date

Last week Jack and I took a trip to Gardner Village for a play date with some of our friends. Our first stop was the petting zoo. You can tell from the look on Jack's face that it was a big hit. He enjoyed walking around (with a little help from me) and squealed with delight when he got to pet the goats. Despite his many attempts to kick the goats and sheep, we escaped without a scratch. He even got to see a bunny and some cute little pigs.

We also looked at all the witches they have milling around this time of year. These were some of my favorites.

Our last stop was Sweet Afton's where we sampled the fudge. I even bought a little to bring home. I would have taken a picture, but it didn't last. Jack must have eaten it.


Anonymous said...

I hope Jack didn't get sick from the fudge. :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow! I haven't checked your blog in a have been doing lots of fun things. I can't believe how big Jack is getting:) He is so cute, and what a good mom you are! I sure miss having you around to visit with.

Wendi said...

That looks like fun. I'll have to check it out with my kidos.

Virtual Charlie