Friday, October 24, 2008

Night Owl

Last night Ross and I spent the evening doing baby stuff...installing a baby gate above the stairs and Jack's new car seat. He's already too big for his other one! After taking a shower I finally got to bed around 12:30 am. Around 4:30 am I heard Jack cry and got up to feed him. I saw that there were still lights on, which isn't unusual since Ross usually falls asleep in front of the television. However, a few minutes later I heard cupboard doors being opened and cereal being pored. When I finished feeding Jack I went to ask Ross if he'd slept at all. The sheepish look on his face told me everything I needed to know.

Around 7:30 Jack and Ross woke me up with lots of giggles (Jack) and exclamations of "Hey, quit wiggling!" (Ross trying to change Jack's diaper). I asked Ross if he'd finally gotten some sleep. Apparently not. See, he was up all night playing the 'Walgreen's Game' and even went to Walgreen's this morning sometime between 5 and 7:30 am. He's discovered through the many discount savvy websites he visits that through rebates, coupons, and a myriad of other Walgreen's terms I don't understand he can get us really cheap and free stuff. Our closets are now full of shampoos, medicines, candles and candy that he's gotten through his efforts. And apparently it's so fun he stays up all night playing. Crazy.


Anonymous said...

This one has left me speachless!

katie said...

I've heard about this walgreens thing but I can't wrap my brain around it. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't stay up all night like Ross figuring it out. But good job Ross.

Wendi said...

He should talk to my sister-in-law. She knows all the ins and outs at Walgreens and also Rite-Aid. I'm impressed. I think it's too confusing.

Virtual Charlie