Friday, October 3, 2008


Wednesday night we had to give Jack his first hair cut. I put it off as long as I could, but finally decided it was time to tame the mop. So, we put plopped him down in his bumbo seat on the kitchen floor and went to work. Here is the before picture

Ross was on distraction duty, and used a variety of tactics to divert Jack's attention away from the cool, shiny scissors. His favorites were a shoe

and the squirt bottle which Ross continually sprayed him with.

After lots of giggles and a few frustrating moments, this was the result.

Not too bad for our first attempt.


Anonymous said...

What a nice looking young man with his new haircut and all. Makes him look older! You and Ross did a good job

katie said...

You're brave. He looks great!

Wendi said...

I remember my first haircut...the good thing about boys is that their hair grows back pretty fast. You did a great job! It's very hard to work with a moving target!

Virtual Charlie