Monday, August 18, 2008


Saturday morning Ross, Jack and I did a little garage sale hopping. Before Jack came along Ross and I did this on a regular basis. But, since the idea of hauling a baby around on a Saturday morning hasn't been that appealing, we haven't done it in a while. We found a train for total it cost $2 for the wood tracks and train cars.

When we got it home, Ross wanted to help Jack play with it, so he started setting it up. Jack, of course, started destroying it. At this point Ross said, "Hey, you're messing up my toy!" Yes, you read that right. Jack was messing up Ross' toy. I suspected as much. At least I know Jack will always have a playmate.


Anonymous said...

I does come in handy once in a while that our husbands never grow up.....the kids always have someone to play with:)

Anonymous said...

That is soooo funny!!!
We cannot believe how Jack is growing up. He sure has lots of hair.

katie said...

Get use to it. Occasionally Mike will buy things for the "kids". Whatever.

Wendi said...

You got a great deal on those trains and tracks! They're a favorite at our house too!

Virtual Charlie