Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Last night Ross and I were a little early picking Jack up from day care. After waiting in the car for a few minutes, I got a call from Ross saying that they were waiting for the Cuckoo clock, and I could come in and wait with them. Apparently Kyung Ai (his amazing day care lady) and him have a ritual...on the days that she watches him they wait for the Cuckoo clock to go off at 5:00 pm. And Jack wasn't going to leave until after the birds chirped and sang.

When I walked in, I saw Ross holding an impatient Jack. He was staring intently at the clock, and periodically would utter the words "Coo-coo," usually followed by a small cry of impatience. Aside from Ma-Ma and Da-Da, these are his first words. So, if you happen to be holding Jack and he starts to say "Coo-coo," don't be offended. He's not referring to your mental state, he just happens to like Cuckoo clocks.


katie said...

that's too cute. and if he says it to me, trust totally is correct of my mental state!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious!!! What a boy you guys have!!!! Love y'all.

Virtual Charlie