Friday, July 11, 2008


Sometimes I wonder why I bother buying toys, especially when they're so expensive. It seems Jack is just as amused by a cereal box and a syrup bottle. At least I know there won't be any recalls on these toys because they contain too much lead paint.


katie said...

Just like Matthew. A couple of months ago all he wanted to play with was the bottle of oil and the bottle of syrup. Cute boys.

Anonymous said...

Aren't you glad he's normal. :-)

Anonymous said...

Brain and I went on a roadtrip when Kami was about 9 months. About half way there she became very loud, so we stopped and bought her 3 toys from the store, she played for 5 min, before she resumed screaming. Brian gave her is empty pepsi bottle and she played for the next 2 hours!!!! Toys are so overrated!!

Virtual Charlie